A 2022 UNESCO report noted that approximately 20 million Nigerian individuals of its approximately 200 million population are not enrolled in school. The research and statistics unit of our Network surveyed communities among the unreached people’s group in Kebbi and Niger state and observed that not a single community in the 15 communities visited has a school and not a single person has obtained formal education.
Afri-Mission Schools for Orphans and Vulnerable Children
Children are entitled to free and quality basic education, yet the number of out-of-school children in Nigeria is alarming and on the rise. Afri-Mission in its quest to contribute its quota in the educational development in Nigeria has constructed a block of 3 classrooms in Kambari community in Niger state. We have awarded fully funded scholarship to 100 students, provided all the furnitures, teaching aids and books, school uniforms, shoes and socks.

The school currently runs primaries 1-3 and salaries of teachers are paid regularly by Afri-Mission and Evangelism Network. Not a single parent has paid a dime to enroll their children in school rather they are demanding that Afri-Mission pay them money to subsidize the cost of labour in their agricultural activities since we have taken their children who are supposed to be doing work in their farms.

Education project to the Unreached was born out of necessity and we thank God today that the vision has become a reality courtesy of our generous donors.
The security challenge in Nigeria can be traced to the negligence of these children by government and churches. They grow up to be bandits and terrorists. Afri-Mission and Evangelism Network envisions catching these children young through our OVC program
The Kambari tribe is the least developed tribe in Nigeria, primitivism is very high and they are very far from civilization. Our education program in this community is faced with lots of challenges as the parents of our students feel that they are doing us favour by allowing their children to come to school. They constantly threaten to withdraw their children from school and blackmail us to give them money if we want their children to be in school.

Education to the unreached is as important as taken the gospel to them, ignorance of how to read and right has kept our target groups in total darkness. We plan to run morning session for the children and evening session for the adults. We are trusting God for school feeding program for the children as many of them are malnourished.

Before Intervention

After Intervention