“A wake-up call for every genuine Christian
By Oscar Amaechina, Christian Post Op-ed Contributor Saturday, March 25, 2023
Hatred for Christians is increasing at an alarming rate. We are persecuted constantly and many of us have been intimidated and forced to compromise and accept what God calls abominable.
We are finding it increasingly difficult to stand up to the world. The tidal wave of evil is sweeping over all the nations of the earth.
Pornography, homosexuality, transgenderism, abortion drugs and alcohol abuse are being supported by governments everywhere.
Some Christians hold to the “easy believism” trope that tells them they can live their lives how they want to, without repercussions, since their proverbial ticket to Heaven has been punched long ago. Many outside the Church say that humans are fundamentally good and can simply choose to be moral without the need for Christ’s sacrifice. Unfortunately, some Christian politicians are buying into these demonic ideas. How I wish that the present-day leaders of America will borrow a leaf from George Washington who said, “Let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion.”
Scripture says: “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter” (Isaiah 5:20). This is crucial because the distinction between good and evil is being lost by the majority of Western societies these days.
The fundamental right of Christians to express their views without fear has been upended. For fear of being victimized, many of us are now keeping quiet while evil prevails. It is not only the duty of Christians to live morally upright lives, but also to fight against anything evil. Keeping quiet while evil struts about is a moral failure on the part of Christians. God will not hold us guiltless if we do not do our duty and warn our cultures of the impending doom that awaits them (Ezekiel 3:18-19).
What is happening globally these days is a test of moral will and faith. The major challenge is not that these things are happening — it’s that our reaction to them is far too tepid. Are we becoming politically and socially compliant by agreeing with the world? We should as a matter of urgency examine ourselves to know if we are still in the faith (2 Corinthians 13:5).
I strongly believe that if genuine Christians and pastors should make a commitment to evaluate themselves morally, repent where necessary, and take the responsibility to warn the world of the coming judgment, we might yet still witness revivals in our lands. The responsibility is ours.
Oscar Amaechina is the president of Afri-Mission and Evangelism Network, Abuja, Nigeria. His calling is to take the gospel to where no one has neither preached nor heard about Jesus. He is the author of the book Mystery Of The Cross Revealed.“